
A global social media selfie-campaign to fight against racial profiling 
& discrimination based on appearance.

Feeling ANGRY against arbitrary racial profiling?

Ever HURT by a form of discrimination?

Want to express your SOLIDARITY with a victim of racism?

Join our #ToutMondeFaces campaign on Instagram @toutmondefaces to express your solidarity &


Donation here

This campaign will help blur the lines between WHAT WE SEE and WHAT WE ARE. 

Because our faces, skin color or any kind of appearance should not be associated with any prejudices or assumptions of where we are from or who we are.

Because we are One Humanity, One World, One Tout-Monde.

How it works:

  1. Take a selfie (so far, easy, right?)
  2. Add the statement on your picture “Hi, my name is X” ,  in a language of your choice, replacing X with your name (or your ancestor’s name or any other name if you prefer to stay anonymous)
  3. Post your picture on your IG profile with #ToutMondeFaces 
  4. Make a 1$ donation* or more here & send us your selfie on Instagram via DM @toutmondefaces  

--> We will repost your Tout-Monde Facie on our Instagram profile!!!

So, can you dedicate 1 minute + 1 dollar to stand against racial discrimination?

*All donations benefit not only the “Equal Rights” projects of the Tout-Monde Foundation Inc., a 501c3 non-profit organization and public charity supporting underrepresented artists from the Caribbean, dedicated to foster change in terms of Equal Rights, Ecology and Education, but also the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), a non-profit organization who daily fights for social justice and whose work on racial profiling encompasses concrete actions in litigation, including on behalf of individuals who have been victims of racial profiling, as well as advocacy and lobbying for data collection and anti-profiling legislation. 

To request our 501(c)3 proof for your taxes, please contact admin@tout-monde-foundation.org.

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